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for participation in the forums of the CPP


The forums of the CPP are principally open to the interested public, but they are moderated. Thus there are a few rules, the keeping of which is supervised by a moderator and which will also be pushed through if need be.

  1. The forums of the CPP serve for discussion and exchange of opinions. Here it can and shall become also controversary. A censorship of opinions doesn't take place here, neither concerning the contents nor the form. However it is taken for granted that the participants strive for contructivity and relevance.
  2. Obvious personal insults of participants are not expedient for a relevant discussion and therefore here unwelcome. In extrem cases such posts may be deleted by the moderator or users may be totally banned by the administrator.
  3. Posts, which are absolutly obviously meant as provocation only, spreading of misinformation or commercial advertisement, as well as data trash to disturb the technical function of the forums will be deleted immediately and their senders be banned immediately.
  4. Faking or falsification of posts of other participants, registration under more than one user name or pretence of a false identity are not tolerated. Such posts will be deleted immediately and their senders be banned immediately.
  5. The participants are called to care that the contents of their posts fit to the general theme of the respective forum. Should posts be to far from that, the moderator will intervene adjustingly if need be and recommend better suiting forums.
  6. The participants are called to to stay more or less on topic in their replies to posts if possible, in order to keep up a clear topic structure. When required there can be opened any new discussions. In case of official target discussions of the CPP the moderator will intervene adjustingly if need be and recommend a new discussion topic.
  7. In case of problems of any kind concerning the forums, the moderator can be contacted.



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